Crime Prevention/Safety Map by Yahoo Maps Japan

In a previous post I talked about the the Sakura Map functionality of Yahoo Maps , this time I want to write about the Crime Prevention map (防犯マップ) .
I learned about this map option over a year ago but since then I haven’t seen any English website posts about it so I thought may as well write one myself since it might help others, especially if you’re looking to move into a particular area in Japan.
Japan Suspicious Persons Information Center
The Crime/Safety Map by Yahoo was launched in 2018 with the aim of helping people being aware of their surroundings by displaying incidents reported in any particular area to police and/or local governments. The information is sourced from the Japan Suspicious Persons Information Center aka JASPIC (日本不審者情報センター) . The site was established in 2016 and has since then listed in real time, 24 hours a day, incidents that occur all throughout Japan. There is a page where you can also see when certain occurrences were reported more than twice in a certain area within 2 weeks.
These incidents reported on the site cover a broad range of events – here are some examples shared recently : unsolicited conversations, bear sightings, voyeurism, vulgar/abusive language, being followed around, molestation, belonging theft/robbery, possession of dangerous goods, lower body exposure, assault , intimidation, antelope sightings, boar sightings, monkey sightings, underwear theft, public urination, car damage, public nudity, school intrusions and dangerous driving . You can click the link of any incident and it will redirect you to a news site which has the incident’s full report.

Crime Prevention Map
These incidents are also then shared real time onto the Crime Prevention Map on Yahoo Maps. If something has happened recently in an area you are in , you will get a notification.

The incidents are separated by 9 different icons

New or recent incidents (within the last 24 hours) will have a red mark on the icon.

When you click on an icon, it will bring you all the details reported on about the incident. It is only in Japanese but if you screenshot it and then open it up in Google Translate and use the import option you will be able to get a gist of what occurred and when.

The Crime Prevention Map has also received a seal of approval/recommendation by the National PTA council so you know it’s a useful app, particularly if you’re here with kids!
UI example
How to view the Crime Map
First make sure you have downloaded and installed the Yahoo Maps application (available for android and apple).
Then open the application (Y! Map).
When you open the application you will see a general map and a black box below (if in dark mode) with the search bar. Roll up the box and you will see this screen.

Click on the shield icon (bottom row to the right). You should be then able be able to see the icons mentioned above around your current location. You can look at different locations , when you would like to see incidents/crimes in another location make sure you click the refresh bottom at the top of the map.

Note about crimes in Japan:
It is commonly said in western media that Japan is a relatively crime free country but this isn’t completely accurate. Japan has issues with suspects falsely admitting guilt and there are many incidents, such as sex crimes ,which are largely under reported .I recommend reading The Conversation’s article about mass stabbings in Japan and Tokyo Review’s article about The myth of bored police to get greater perspective about crime in Japan.
Useful Incident/Crime related words to know:
- 付きまとう/ つきまとい – Tsukimatoi – To be followed around (similar to stalking)
- 風呂場のぞき / おふろばのぞき- Ofuroba nozoki – Peeping in the bathroom (usually public bathhouses)
- 車上狙い / しゃじょうねらい – Shajo nerai – theft from a vehicle; stealing valuables from an unattended car
- 投石類/とうせ- Tousekirui– slinging/ stone throwing
- 凝視/ ぎょうし – Gyuoshi – staring (yes, you can report getting stared at by someone to the police but usually getting someone punished for it rare )
- 半身露出 /はんしんろしゅつ – Hanshinroshutsu – lower body indecent exposure
- 撮影/さつえい – Satsuei – photographed/filmed (in the context of the app/site it’s not with consent)
- 不審な接近/ふしんなせっきん – Fushinnasekkin – unwanted/unsolicited approach
- 声かけ/こえかけ – Koekake – Unsolicited conversation or approaching
- 卑わいな声かけ/ひわいなこえかけ – Hiwaina koekake – saying something obscene or vulgar to someone
- 下着盗未遂/ したぎぬすめみすい – Shitagi nusume misui – attempted theft of underwear
- 盗撮/とうさつ – Tousatsu – voyeurism/ taking peep photos
- 痴漢/ちかん – Chikan – molester; groper
- 全裸/ぜんら – Zenra – nudity
- 体液かけ/たいえきかけ – Taiekikake – unconsented exposure to bodily fluid
- 危険運転/きけんうんてん – Kikenunten – dangerous driving
- トイレ盗撮の疑い/とれいとうさつのうたがい – Torei tousatsu no utagai – Suspicion of toilet voyeurism
- 自慰行為の疑い/じいこういのうたがい – Jikoui no utagai – Suspicion of (public) masturbation
- 部品狙い/ぶひんねらい – Fubinnerai – Stealing parts of a car (e.g number plates,gps)
Phrases said to someone that were reported to the police
On the JASPIC site there is a page where you can see what was said to someone which resulted or contributed in a report to the police.
Some examples:
- 「急いでるの? 送ってあげる」 – “Are you in a hurry?, I’ll give you a lift.”
- 「お菓子をあげるよ、こっちにおいで」- “I’ll give you some candy. Come here”
- 「君の家のトイレを貸してよ」「ライン交換しようよ」- “Can I use your bathroom at your house?” “Let’s exchange lines.”
- 「一緒に帰りませんか」- “Won’t you come back/home with me”
- 「1人で帰ってんの? 家どっちの方向?」- “Are you going back/home alone? Which way is your home?”
- 「君、かわいいね、パンツ何色?」 – “You’re so cute, what color is your underwear?”
- 「お話しませんか」- “Shall we talk?”
- 「上履きちょうだい」- “Please give me your jacket”
- 「綺麗ですね」「連絡先を交換しよう」 – “You’re beautiful, let’s exchange contact information”
- 「お金いるか?」- “Do you have money?”
- 「すみません、メール交換しませんか」「自分は寂しがり屋なので、どうしても交換してほしい」 “Sorry can we exchange contact information, I’m a lonely person and really want to exchange (info) with you”
- 「写真を撮って」「君も撮ってあげる」- “Take my picture, and I’ll take yours.”
- 「足のにおいを嗅がせろ」- “Let me smell your feet”